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There are several medical explanations to causes, effects, and implications of stress and suicide among people. In the same vein, the Bible presents some basic lifestyles and actions that can help prevent stress, depression, and even suicide. Please note the following:

1. Be willing to share your problem with God and other people around you. Just cast it unto the feet of Christ – 1 Peter 5:7. Those that are heavily laden can receive rest from Christ – Matt. 11:28. We must also carry each other’s burdens – Gal. 6:2.

2. Christians must look out for those introverts who usually will not mingle with others in Church or in society. Such people must be drawn closer. Be your brother’s keeper (Gen.4:9).

3. Be ready to forgive others – Matt. 6:15 Know that God can and will forgive your sins – 1 John 1:8-9. Having the assurance of forgiveness removes the stress of guilt. This is preceded by godly sorrow that leads to repentance and leaves no sorrow – 2 Cor. 7:10

3. The above point is demonstrated by the characters of Peter and Judas. They both denied Christ but Peter’s godly sorrow worked repentance for him. However, Judas’ decision of non-genuine repentance led him to commit suicide (Matt. 27). 


Life is undeniably fraught with stressors that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and anxious, but with faith in a higher power, we can find solace and relief from our burdens.

It is through a strong connection with God that we can draw strength and resilience to navigate life’s challenges and emerge from them with renewed purpose and hope. So while stress may be an inevitable part of life, the power of God’s love and grace can help us to overcome it and find peace.

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Author Bio

Picture of Anane Ebenezer
Anane Ebenezer
As a dedicated member of the Church of Christ, my faith plays a central role in my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my faith journey and hope to inspire others to grow closer to God through my writing.