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Years of faith,
history and legacy

Jesus Christ established His Church (the church of Christ) in the year 33AD in Jerusalem in the days of the apostles (Matthew 16:18, Acts 2: 1-5, 36-47, Rom. 16:16). The Church then spread to all nations of the world (Acts 1:4, 8) and came to Ghana in 1960.

The church of Christ at Asafo, Abrotia, Kumasi, is a branch of the household of God, the church of Christ worldwide (ITim.3:15). The Asafo congregation was started in 1976 through the efforts of Bro. Ernest Owusu Badu (now an elder) with six (6) members.

Brother Peter Donkor (a.k.a Agya Yaw), one of the current Preachers, placed membership to join Bro Owusu to evangelize the Amakom-Abrotia – Asafo community. Membership grew to 30 and by 1980 average attendance was 60.

Bro. Owusu Badu, who was the Preacher, left for the USA to study and Bro. Donkor took over the preaching for the church till 1986 when he (Bro. Donkor) also left for Austria to further his education.

The Preaching baton was then handed to Bro. Baah Acheamfour, who continued to preach until his demise in 2019. The Church grew not only numerically but spiritually as well and hence elders and deacons were ordained in 2004.

The second set of elders and deacons were ordained on 14 December 2014. As the church grows in all aspects, and some old leaders leaving offce, there has been the need to have additional elders and deacons to support leadership work.

The church’s motto which is a summary of her Mission Statement is GO YE MEANS GO ME, based on Matthew 28:18-20

ELDERS AND PREACHERS AS AT 2012 Standing from Left: Baah Acheamfour (Deceased) , Peter Donkor Seated from Left: Ernest Owusu Badu, Paul Kwadwo Owusu Tannor (Deceased), James Acquah

An Abridged History

Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?